As a teenager, I loved reading about the grand and wild lives authors seemed to lead. Literary history overflows with these larger-than-life wordsmiths and life artists: F. Scott Fitzgerald with his Zelda, intoxicated by champagne, […]
Winner of Bottari Lattes Grinzani’s literary award
One of my best moments. Winner of Bottari Lattes Grinzanis literary award 2015 for the novel: “The Perfect Life of William Sidis” (La vita perfetta di William Sidis). The price ceremony took place at the medieval […]
A fragile earthquake
A novel about Denmark, Europe, happiness and the end of the world. Three months after his French wife’s cremated body was found in a summer cabin, Daniel Fischer wakes and discovers that all sounds in […]
The day I left my author ship
“It was during the days when I walked around starving in Copenhagen, this wondrous city that no one leaves without being marked by it.” – “But that was how Copenhagen was in those early days, […]
The William Sidis novel in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
The Swiss based publisher, Nagel Und Kimsche, a part of the large German publishing house, Hanser Verlag, now published The perfect Life of William Sidis. The german tale is, of course, Das Perfekte Leben des […]
The perfect life of William Sidis
Winner of Edoardo Kihlgren first prize for European literature in 2014. Winner of the international Bottari Lattes prize for literature in Italy. Nominated for the literary prize “PREMIO LETTERARIA” in the category best novel translated […]
Film options on Sidis novel sold
The Los Angeles and New York based movie production company, Ditlev Films, just acquired the options on the novel The perfect Life of William Sidis. The company’s two seasoned executive producers Christian Ditlev and Dan Hoffmann […]
Tomorrow I stop
For seventeen years Anja Fonseca kept a painful secret. Outwardly she was the always smiling weather host at DR’s channels. When the media wrote about her, they portrayed her as the beautiful and successful woman […]
The perfect Life of William Sidis published in France, Greece and Italy
William Sidis himself never travelled outside the United States during his lifetime. Now he is going to Europe. The perfect Life of William Sidis is sold to the French publishing house, Presses de la Cité, […]
A girl and a boy
University of Copenhagen, eight He sees her for the first time at a lecture. She talks about a she has carried since early childhood, a pain which can only be healed the day she has […]
Sidis novel published in Greece
The perfect Life of William Sidis was published in december 2012 in Greece by the major publishing house, Kedros Publishing, based in Athens. The novel is translated by Leo Kalyvornas. Read about the novel in […]
The Victims
One summer night in central Copenhagen a young lawyer is attacked. A stranger pulls her into a backyard and rapes her brutally. She manages to get home to her boyfriend in a state of schock. […]
The jew – Hitler’s weapon
Danish version below On January 27, 1945, a unit of Soviet soldiers approached the Auschwitz concentration camp. They drove through the main gate, where the words Arbeit Macht Frei were welded onto the wrought iron arch. Shortly […]
Om at skrive uden hensyn
Etisk dilemma: hvad kan man tillade sig at skrive? Det der holdt mig tilbage var at jeg følte jeg skulle tage hensyn. For det er en roman som handler om mennesker, levende mennesker. Den tager […]
En anal forfatters bekendelser
Vi sad i gamle lænestole fra 1940’erne på en scene ved Skagens litteraturfestival. Vi var tre forfattere fra hver vores generation som dette år havde udgivet en roman om 2. Verdenskrig. Nestoren var Klaus Rifbjerg, der […]
Da jeg blev indhentet af virkeligheden
Det hele begynder i en lille celle i Vestre fængsel. På gulvet ligger den 25 år gamle marokkaner Faycal Caaban. Han afsoner en dom for væbnet røveri. I går havde han været hos fængslets læge […]
Når tiden standser
Kronik i Berlingske Tidende: Fotografier er blevet så naturlig en del af vores verdensbillede, at vi sjældent skænker dem en tanke, når vi ser dem. Måske når vi at registrere indholdet af et reklamefoto, måske […]
Film der dræber
Artikel i Chili: “Vi mener, at filmen er et af de mest moderne og økonomiske midler til massepåvirkning. En regering kan derfor ikke overlade filmen til sig selv.” Goebbels Det propagandamedie, som nazisterne anså for […]
Sidis novel nominated for “PREMIO LETTERARIA”
LA VITA PERFETTA DI WILLIAM SIDIS by Morten Brask and translated by Ingrid Basso (Iperborea 2014) is among the five nominees for the Italian literary prize “PREMIO LETTERARIA”. The translator, Ingrid Basso is the nominated […]
The films of Evil
This is a non-fiction book about the anti-semitic film propaganda in the Third Reich. It is focused on how the German anti-semitism was conveyed in the nazi cinema and contains thorough analyzations of some of […]
Good Will’ Sidis out in France
The novel about the prodigy William Sidis “The perfect Life of William Sidis” is released in France june 2013. Titled “La Vie parfaite de William Sidis” it is translated by Caroline Berg and published by […]
The Sea in Theresienstadt out in France
The Sea in Theresienstadt (Havet i Theresienstadt) was published 2011 in France by the Paris located publishing house, Presses de la Cité. In French the novel is titled Terezin Plage, beautifully translated into the French by Caroline […]
The Victims
This new novel is a thriller about a violent attack and how it destroys the life of the victims – the woman and the boyfriend. One summer night in central Copenhagen a young lawyer is […]
The Sea in Theresienstadt
Nominated for Prix du Roman Fnac and Prix Chapitre du roman Europeen. A novel about the young Jewish doctor, Daniel Faigel, his years in the concentration camp Theresienstadt outside Prague – and his haunted childhood […]
Sidis novel published in Italy
The perfect Life of William Sidis is now out in Italy. It’s translated by Ingrid Basso and published by the Milano-based publishing house, Iperborea. Read about the novel in English here The novel has been […]
Forfattersnobben og de uskrivelige ord
Jeg har en tilståelse. Jeg er en snob. Ikke snob som man normalt opfatter denne betegnelse, men en arrogant ordsnob, en som hovent rynker på næsen ad mindreværdige ord, en der som prinsessen i Klodshans […]
William Sidis novel published in South Korea
The perfect Life of William Sidis is now published by the South Korean publishing group Moonhak Soochup Publishing Co., Ltd. / (주)문학수첩 The novel has been published in several European countries, and this is the […]
Havets skygger
Essay i Weekendavisen skrevet 1997: For nogle år siden mærkede jeg de første symptomer. Det startede med at jeg blot læste mindre og mindre. Stablen af halvt afsluttede bøger voksede. Jeg forstod ikke hvad det […]
De knuste drømme
Trykt i magasinet for Landsforeningen for Spædbarnsdød 2000: Morten Brask mistede sine tvillinger april 2000. Et år er gået. Hvad er erfaringerne? Hvordan er det som far og mand at gennemleve en ubærlig sorg? En […]
Kærlighed i hagekorsets skygge
Artikel i Chili: Hitlers propagandaminister havde en ny elskerinde hver uge, men en dag forsøgte han at få fingre i Hitlers yndlingsinstruktør, Leni Riefenstahl… Kærlighed i hagekorsets skygge Jeg var én af verdens bedste filminstruktører, […]