The Jew & the Aryan – in nazi film

JoedencoverThe Jew & the Aryan – in the Nazi film propaganda

Morten Brask wrote The Jew & the Aryan in cooperation with Siri Aronsen. The book is an introduction to Nazi propaganda films.

It closely examines the historical development leading up to films of hatred depicting Hitler as a Messiah and the Jews as rats to be exterminated. Critics described the book as ”extremely well-written”, “an amazing read”, ”solid and competent”.

The book is intended for everyone interested in the Nazi Era and cinematic propaganda. A longer and more detailed version of the antisemitic chapters can be found in Morten Brask’s book Film Macht Frei.

The book is intended for everoone interested in the Nazi Era and cinematic propaganda. A longer and more detailed version of the antisemitic chapters can be found in Morten Brask’s book Film Macht Frei.