Sidis novel published in Italy

Morten Brask - la vita perfetta di William Sidis.The perfect Life of William Sidis is now out in Italy. It’s translated by Ingrid Basso and published by the Milano-based publishing house, Iperborea.

Read about the novel in English here

The novel has been awarded the Italian “Edoardo Kihlgren prize for European literature 2014”
Read about the prize here

It is nominated for the Italian Premio Letteraria 2014
Read about the prize here

The book has received a good attention in Italian media, not the least a whole 4 pages La Repubblica in one of the leading newspapers in the country. In another large newspaper, La Stampa, the reviewer wrote: “Brask is an excellent storyteller.”:

“Brask è un ottimo fabulatore: ha una scrittura scorrevole e accattivante (…) il suo romanzo è la tragica testimonianza di una lotta per la libertà che si ribalta in esilio.”