William Sidis himself never travelled outside the United States during his lifetime. Now he is going to Europe.
The perfect Life of William Sidis is sold to the French publishing house, Presses de la Cité, the Italian publishing house Iperborea and the Greek publishing house Kedros.
Publishing houses in other countries are in the process of reading the book. The book is going to be translated into English during 2012.
The first sentences in Italian, translated by Marinella Messina:
“Il cielo affonda sopra Boston. Una profonda nebbia cala nelle avenue, inghiotte le corone degli alberi, le statue, le lampade appese. Affonda contro l’asfalto e i sampietrini delle vie, giù nelle cantine, giù attraverso le grate delle fognature, giù dentro ai tunnel delle metropolitane. Nelle strade l’aria s’inumidisce, i grattacieli scompaiono nell’umida densità, piano per piano, murature, finestre e tetti si stemperano nel grigio.”